Friday, May 31, 2013

A Change

So It's real time.  I am going to change my life.  I am going to take baby steps and get there.  One baby step at a time.  Not only will I set and example for my children, but I will also be showing those around me AND myself that I'm worth it.  I can change my life I can make things better for myself.  I want to use this journel as an outlet to show that I can DO IT!  I'm WORTH IT! 

I hired a personal trainer.  She is going to start working with me June 11th.  I am going to change my life.  She is going to help me set into motion the things I need to do to make my life better.  It's an exciting time.  So prepare to be real.  I want to post things that will help me, my frustrations, goals, successes, and failures.  Wait a minute there will be NO FAILURES.  ONLY SUCCESS HERE PEOPLE! 

So measurements will follow soon.  YIKES THE REAL NUMBERS!  But you know I didn't get this way over night... and I don't want to have surgery.  I want to do this the real way.  It's going to be challenging and I'm going to struggle, but I also know that I'm going to do it. 

So stay tuned!