Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It Starts Over!

So we are starting over!  The knee has been a real pain in the ass but let me tell you I think I am going to be better then before.  So where do I start.  Well weight... unsure; my batteries in my scale has died.  So I have no idea of where I'm starting but my guess is somewhere around the 260s so let's call it 265 and then when I do get to weigh myself I will be able to update accurately.  I have joined curves.  I have to try this again mainly b/c my personal trainer is SOOOOO expensive and well I figured once I get the first 50 off then I will be able to go back to her to help me get the additional 40 off.  Well that's my thinking anyway.  So I will be working out during the day during my lunch hour or right after work.  I'm hoping that the days i have to work out after work that my family is supportive and picks up the slack when I need them too.  I'm planning on going there 3-4 days a week and I am going to run 3 days a week with my couch to 5K program WHICH I HAVE STARTED!  I am already done with week one.  But that's okay if I'm a little ahead b/c I'm WAY behind on the weight side.  So I'm rerecording my food in Lose It.  I HATE this part of this stuff.... it just is sucky.  I don't know why I hate it so much but I just hate it.  But that will help me be more aware.  I have found a new trick for water to make it not taste like crap.  I have started putting frozen fruit in my water and they work as ice cubes along with the ice and as the fruit defrosts it adds flavor to the water and by the end of the day it's really strong so it's not just plan water... but I know that just drinking plan water just won't cut it for me.  So this is Day one.  Again.  But hey we all have to start somewhere.  I want to finish this time, so my knee better just knock it's crap off and get healed b/c this girl is tired of being heavy.  I'm tired of having to shop and Lane Bryant.  I want to shop at a regular store and by regular size or shoot have a regular sized towel go around me.  My goal is 170.  So I'm not at 100 lbs but only 80 lbs to go.  Wish me luck!

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